Getting a sense of quality is hard when all you have to look at is a small photo on a computer screen. Unfortunately, without holding the print in your hands there is no real way to see what you're getting. All of my limited edition prints are made from extremely high quality files. The images below are designed to give you a sense of the fine detail that is impossible to see in a small web sized file. "Valley of Transition" is the photo I chose to use for this breakdown, because it shows a vast scene, which works best for this illustration. However, the same high quality files can be expected in all my photographs. In fact, this photo was taken with a wide angle lens, meaning a lot more detail had to be squeezed into the photo then say a wildlife image taken with a telephoto lens. This means that some other photos will actually exhibit an even higher image quality than this particular photo. For the sake of demonstration though, I think this shot represents a good average of what can be expected out of a print.
I believe in only making prints of the highest quality. I won't sacrifice detail just to offer a larger size. Many factors go into choosing print size availability. Details such as light conditions at the time of capture, cropping and so forth are all taken into consideration. Rest assured, no prints are offered at sizes that don't meet my high standards. If you have any other questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.